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Friday, August 20, 2010

Concept to Classroom

I discovered this website "Concept to Classroom" in amongst my searches.  It is a free on-line series which promotes Professional Development for educators.  This website includes a "Workshop Menu".  Within this menu there is a link to inquiry-based learning which includes the old saying - "Tell me I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I understand.  The link to this website is

I also recently discovered 'mashpedia'  through a post from Bright ideas.  This includes many useful clips the students can view.  Included is "Alternative Energy Sources" (YouTube).  There is lots of audiovisual stimulus for students.  There is general information about Alternative Energy Sources and also more specific clips on wind, solar, tidal, geothermal energy etc.  One important literacy focus which I have been concentrating on with my year 7's this year has been note-taking.  These video clips provide an opportunity for the students to view these clips in the computer lab.  It would be possible for the students to do this individually so they may concentrate on the particular energy source they have chosen for their model.  A couple of disadvantages to this site I noticed was that it is based on United States of America information.  Also, some of the footage from YouTube is inappropriate for school aged children.  The choice of clips and the footage included would have to be monitored extremely closely.

As I have been involved in my own personal researching linked to Inquiry-based learning and Information Literacy, I have become more aware of how necessary it is to be quite discerning with the choice of websites and databases.  We are exposed to a world full of ICT's and it is often difficult to narrow down searches and make a reliable choice.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't this a great site for "What is Inquiry learning?" It is interesting how these sites draw on information literacy to make Inquiry work effectively. Of course like many of the Inquiry sites they do not have that added dimension - Kuhlthau's emotional interaction with one's learning process. Being overwhelmed by a task can make one question their effectivenss to deal with Ifo-whelm / info glut. I am beginning to know how my class feels sometimes.
    Since all three of us are working within a Scientific dimension in our ILAs I thought you might like to have a look at my Delicious site where I have saved relevant literature about inquiry/info lit and science. Hope it is of some help to you.
